dimecres, 24 de novembre del 2021


Creating a psychomotor circuit is a children’s activity that can become a playful activity adapted to the little ones. Boys and girls will be able to go around the circuit as many times as they want. In it they can walk (inside the hoops), jump between different obstacles and move around cones. In this type of motor activities we increase agility and work on postural control. 

Crear un circuit psicomotor es una activitat infantil que pot convertir-se en una activitat lúdica adaptada als més petits. Els nens i les nenes podran recórrer el circuit tantes vegades com vulguin i en ell podran caminar (dins els cèrcols), saltar entre diferents obstacles i moure’s al voltants dels cons. En aquest tipus d´activitat psicomotriu treballem l´agilitat i el control postural.


diumenge, 21 de novembre del 2021


This year, the school is once again participating in an European E-twinning Project: “MY COUNTRY, MY TREASURE”. This Project encourages our students to become aware of the multicultural diversity of other countries. The E-twinning platform will facilitate the Exchange of habits and traditions from different countries, while providing us with cultural enrichment. This month we have a work to share with other countries: AUTUMN IN OUR SCHOOL. Here you can see the activities the little ones have done about AUTUMN.

dimecres, 10 de novembre del 2021

ARTS & CRAFTS Cicle Inicial HALLOWEEN 2021

At the end of October we celebrated Halloween at school. Students collaborated by making bats and spiders web for the Halloween play. They have enjoyed painting, cutting and learning English customs. At the same time they have also shared moments of laughter and terrifying fantasies. A finals d'octubre vam celebrem Halloween a l'escola. Els infants van col•laborar en la decoració de l’obra de teatre dels alumnes de 6è fent ratpenats , aranyes i teranyines per la decoració de l'obra de teatre de Halloween. Ells han gaudit pintant, retallant i aprenent les costums angleses. A la vegada que també han compartit moments de rialles i fantasies terrorífiques.