dijous, 30 de març del 2023


With Easter just around the corner, the Easter Bunny has come to our school and he has hidden some eggs in the school playground. Are you ready to find them? 

Look here how much fun we had.

Also, this year we take home a grid of emotions where the students can practice and share at home how they feel in English.


Happy Easter to you all!


Amb les vacances de Pasqua a tocar, el Conillet de Pasqua ha vingut altre cop a l´escola i ha amagat ous al pati de l´escola. Esteu preparats per trobar-los?

Mireu aquí que bé ens ho vam passar.

A més, aquest any ens emportem a casa una graella d´emocions on els alumnes poden practicar i compartir a casa com es senten en anglès.


Bones Vacances de Setmana Santa a tothom!

dimecres, 15 de febrer del 2023


Do you enjoy theatre? This week the company Jumping Ducks visited our school and delighted us with a musical and theatre workshop. The third and fourth grade students performed the song ‘Happy’ by Pharrel Williams and the fifth and sixth grade students the song ‘Dance Monkey’ (Tones and I). Preschool students and first and second grade pupils enjoyed the performance of the play ‘Puff the magic dragon’. As you can see in the following video (click on the picture below), we had lots of fun and improved our English! 

Us agrada el teatre? Aquesta setmana la companyia de teatre Jumping Ducks ha visitat la nostra escola per invitar-nos a participar als seus tallers teatrals. L’alumnat de cicle mitjà ha interpretat la cançó ‘Happy’ de Pharrel Williams i els grups de cicle superior ‘Dance Monkey’ (Tones and I). Per la seva banda, l’alumnat d’infantil i de cicle inicial han gaudit de l’obra ‘Puff el drac màgic’ en versió anglesa. Com podeu veure en el següent vídeo (cliqueu en la imatge), totes i tots ens ho hem passat molt bé i hem millorat el nostre anglès!

dilluns, 9 de gener del 2023


This morning we went to Mollerussa to watch a play called EXCALIBUR.Our pupils have spent a good time with the story of EXCALIBUR and their songs. Thanks you for bringing live theatre into our school! Theatre inspires creativity and offers life lessons for our students while they learn a foreign language.


This year our pupils from 6th grade have prepared a play for the rest of the schoool in the English classroom. HAUNTED HOUSE was the title of the theatre. They have enjoyed scaring and showing them their work on this special day.